Upcoming Reunions for Classes of 1984, 1979 and 1974
Class of 1984
40 Year Reunion, Grads Only Evening
June 8, 2024, 6-11pm at The Fernwood Inn, 1302 Gladstone Avenue
For further info contact Monique @ 250-480-9962
Monique (Atkinson) Cassidy, jmcassidy@shaw.ca
Class of 1979 45 year Reunion, July 6th 2024
Hello fellow 1979 grads,
We hope you can join us at The University Club Of Victoria for this gathering.
We need to know attendance numbers by June 15, 2024 to secure food and beverage requirements.
Spouses and partners are welcome to attend. Currently we have 110 plus grad contacts and
would appreciate any help reaching out to others we are missing.
We look forward to a fun night of reconnecting with all of you.
July 6th 2024 6:00 PM start
West Campus Way V8P 5C2. Enter off Gordon Head Road (Pay) Parking Lot 9.
Cost is $75 per person E-transfer to oakbay1979@yahoo.com
Please contact us for alternate form of payment. ( No bitcoin )
Also see Facebook Group “ Oak Bay Grads1979” for more info
Any questions about reunion please contact :
Don Friebe dfriebe@shaw.ca
Al Shorting alshorting@hotmail.com
Liz Baichwal lizbaichwal@hotmail.com
Class of 1974 Celebrating their 50th
June 14 and 15, 2024
Invited: 1974 Grads, Grade 11 class 1972-73 that did not graduate with us, and 1974 Teachers
June 14 will be a Grads and 11s only reunion at Oak Bay High School
June 15 will be a Grads & 11s, & spouse/partner & 1974 Teachers dinner at Monterey Centre
Details on Facebook @ OBHS Grad Class of '74
Email to register: classof7450@gmail.com with First & Last Name & name in 1974 (or 1973)
Do You Want to Plan a Reunion?
Getting Started
  • Start your organizing about 1-2 years in advance of your year of celebration.
  • Try to find organizers of previous class reunions and contact them for help and information.
  • Ask at least 4 classmates to be on the committee with you.
  • If not available from a previous reunion then create a spreadsheet of all grads with columns such as last name at school, current surname, first name, email address, phone number and physical address. Remember to include staff in your list - they love to be invited.
  • If you already have a sizable email list then run a brief survey of what type of events your classmates would like to attend and how much they would be willing to spend.
Next Steps
  • Appoint a treasurer and two others become co-signers on a dedicated bank account using your class name e.g.: Oak Bay Grad Class XX. Use the account to handle ticket money and expenditures.
  • Decide approximately when you want to have the reunion, check potential venue availability, prices and then choose a date.
  • Develop a budget to pay for venues and items needed in advance e.g. decorations. Set a ticket event price. Consider adding a few dollars to the ticket price for a class donation to Oak Bay High School. You might want to suggest an early bird price as an incentive with the final price about 10-15% higher. Close ticket sales 3-4 weeks prior to the reunion. Make cheques and e-transfers payable to the reunion account.
  • Create an email about the reunion and send it to your classmates. Detail the pricing. Ask if they want to help with the planning and/or are willing to spread the word about the reunion.
  • Create a closed Facebook page and post information about your reunion.
  • Use social media to search for names from your class e.g. Facebook, Classmates, LinkedIn, Google, Canada 411. You may need to make long distance phone calls to personally invite people to the reunion, update their information and ask if they have contact information for other grads. Contact relatives if traceable.
  • Go to the Oak Bay High School Alumni Association (OBHSAA Copyright © 2019) website and ask the webmaster to add a prepared paragraph about your reunion to our site. This is a free OBHSAA service for you and your classmates.
  • Contact OBHSAA for Alumni Association membership cards.
  • Consider having an In Memoriam display at your reunion.
Have fun and enjoy your reunion!

(Source: Adapted from Mount Doug Alumni Association - with thanks)

Would You Like to be Your Grad Class Contact?

Please contact the Oak Bay High School Alumni Association at: oakbayalumni@gmail.com